In Palermo there are quite a few places where you can spend your lunch break feasting on home-like dishes at a fair price. Trattorias are a whole world to be explored... some are quite unheard of, others are always full, and if you go there after 1pm you seriously run the risk to be left out. One of these last ones is the trattoria Vecchio Club, known by everybody as "trattoria rosanero" (rosa e nero, pink and black, are the colours of the Palermo football club), located in a street off via Maqueda, close to via Candelai... the word has spread and it has almost turned into a place to meet people... every time I go there I meet somebody
I know ... prices are cheap, food is good and servings are huge...
comincio ad affezionarmi allo spaccato di palermo che riesci a dare attraverso le tue foto..
ne sono felice, è un modo per guardare le cose da altri punti di vista.
RispondiEliminaSicuramente.. credo sia questo il bello della fotografia...
e una bellissima trattoria e si mangia bene a poco prezzo