E poi sfrutto questo post ibrido di info/ringraziamenti per ringraziare Giulia Briguglia, cara amica ed eccellente interprete...che mi aiuta tanto nelle traduzioni in inglese...
Basta...sembra di essere ad una conferenza in cui si passano interminabili minuti ad ascoltare i ringraziamenti...questo è l'indirizzo: www.palermodailyphoto.com
It is time to put some make up on this blog! One month after the beginning of this adventure I have decided to move PalermoDailyPhoto on a different platform which is easier to manage. Making comments will be easier too, so I expect tons of them from now on... I have made some small changes to the layout, without changing the style. I would like to thank my friends from Serverstudio (the webmarketing agency I have been working with for a long time) who helped me from a technical point of view - they were extraordinarly professional, as always.
And finally, with this post halfway through special thanks and pratical information, I would like to thank Giulia Briguglia, a dear friend and excellent interpreter, who is always helping me out with the English translations...
That's enough... I feel like in one of those conferences where you spend neverending minutes listening to neverending thanks.
This is the new url: www.palermodailyphoto.com
grazie a te per le splendide fotografie